
Musings: Taking a risk

My topic of thought yesterday was risks and attitudes to it. I do not conciously come up with a topic it is whatever pops into my head.

In more developed countries we are very risk adverse. In poorer countries more risk seems to be acceptable. But is this REALLY the case?


Day 67: A wonderful place to ride a bike

I have spent the day riding on some of the best biking roads in the world (if you forget about the pot holes).
The Guinea mountains are stuning amd mostly unspoilt.


Day 34: Near Death Experience

I arrived in Accra today, the capital city of Ghana. The route down was really nice with some lovely views, it was nice to see some hills, bends in the road,, banana trees and lush vegetation. I was regularly waved to a halt by friendly policemen (and women) who insisted I stop and chat, some did not even bother with the paperwork; they were just curious about me and the bike. Besides the change in vegetation on the ride south, the change in the economic situation was also apparent. Cars are newer (and faster), machinery rather than labour is used, there are more variety and more specialisation in the shops. Having said this, the West African norms of fruit sellers at the side of the road alongside money transfer agents and mobile phone topups are still there.