Since I took the bike for a swim in Sierra Leone the instrument cluster only displays in Klingon.
This means I have no idea what speed I am doing, I have no fuel guage, and the odometer and trip distance counters are not usable.
Random musings that do not fit into any other category.
Since I took the bike for a swim in Sierra Leone the instrument cluster only displays in Klingon.
This means I have no idea what speed I am doing, I have no fuel guage, and the odometer and trip distance counters are not usable.
Will I use more fuel on the way home going North than I did going South?
I am going uphill !! Ôÿ║
150 years ago anybody exploring Africa would not have any contact with friends or family for at least one or two years and may never be seen again.
I have been blogging on the Internet daily and even when I cannot do that I have sent a text to Amy saying I am ok and giving my location.
Africa, or at least the parts I have visited, has very good mobile coverage and Internet access. Communication has radically changed the world. Hopefully it makes it a safer place, not just for travellers but for locals.
I just think it would be nice if we had as good coverage in rural parts of the UK
Throughout Africa I have been struck by the amount of rubbish there is lying around. Senegal seems to be the worst although Gambia amd Mali were pretty bad as well.
Mostly it is plastic bags, any perishable waste is either eaten by the local goats or even pigs in some towns, the plastic stays in the environment.
I was thinking today that I had not given the bike a name. So then went through various options.
I eventually decided on Dora as a tribute to the 102 year old lady I met in Sierra Leone who is now the carer for 4 ebola orphans.
They are both strong characters that despite life throwing a lot of trials their way, they just keep going.
Throughout Africa I have been dodging wild and domestic animals wandering on the road.
Each of these animals has a different character and needs to be approached and passed accordingly.
Since I have been in Ghana the electricity supply has been off more often than it is on. The current ‘power crisis’ has been going on for over a year now and shows now signs of improvement, despite several political promises.
The average European has:
A house with separate bedrooms for the children.
A safe and reasonably reliable car.
Access to good education
Access to health care
Electronic gadgets
The average African has:
A community of people willing to give close support
A large group of friends
An extended family who live close by
An appreciation for the few material things they do own.
Knowledge of where their food came from.
I think most Europeans would say the African is richer. But most Africans would say the European is richer.
While on the bike I have plenty of time to think. I think about family, friends, people I have met and loads of other stuff.
Today I spent a lot of time thinking about trust and my attitude to strangers. My natural instinct toward strange people I meet at the borders is mistrust and assumption they will do me ill.
I spoke to Emma of Street Child today and it looks like it may be safe to travel through the Ebola hit countries of Sierra Leone and Liberia. This is great news as I may be able to visit some of the projects they have in those countries.
Only one week until the start of my trip and everything is in place. This weekend my old school mate Pete is coming up to help my service the bike and give it a final check. Pete is a bike mechanic so his expert opinion will be reassuring. Next Tuesday I am visiting Draiglas Explorer Scouts as the first Scouts meeting on my trip, I hope to meet many more before I finish.