Philius Fogg went around the world in 80 days, I went to Ghana and back. I am happy with that, I met far more people. Ôÿ║
I was not expecting much on the ride yesterday morning. I had a message from am old Scouting friend who lives near Santander but unfortunately it was all a bit late for me to detour and meet him. I did not have a paper map of Spain so was not expecting the mountainous terrain to continue, I was expecting a levelling out near the coast.
The mountains just got better the closer I got to my hotel. I deliberately choose a rural location for security of the bike but I never expected these views. It was just like being in the Alps.
A boat trip from the UK to this area purely to ride around the local area for a week would be highly recommended. The ferry is a little pricey but compares favorably with fuel, ferry and hotel costs of the route through France.