
Day 71: Another great day

After the trials and tribulations of the last two days I needed a good day to cheer me up. I am having it Ôÿ║


I left the hotel early and immediately was on good tarmac and travelling over 100km/h. I cannot tell you how fast because since my bike fell in the river the clocks have switched to what looks like klingon. The water has damaged the LCD display.

The kilometers were flying by and the scenery rapidly changing back to desert. I hoped to get close to St Louise but I actually got all the way by 4pm.

I headed for my previous campsite but before entering I went further up the road to investigate.  I found another hotel that looked good so went in to enquire.  I am now sat by the pool after having a swim.


Above me are coconuts in a tree and behind me is the sound of waves breaking on the sandy beach.  Dinner and breakfast are included in my room price of ┬ú30.

This is paradise. .. or at least it would be if it was not for these bloody sand flies.

3 replies on “Day 71: Another great day”

Hi John.
After the chain repair all seems ok on the bike. I did a minor service on the bike in Burkino Faso on the way to Sierra Leone so that will see me home. Rear tyre starting to look unlikely to last the journey home. Expecting to change it in either morocco or Spain.

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