Sierra Leone Street Child

Day 62: Arrival at Street Child

After a good night’s sleep at Kabba crossing. James and his son (the headmaster) took me back up to the school. They teach 283 children in a tiny building so mostly use outside under mango trees as classes. This is fine at the moment but in 3 weeks the rainy season starts. When it rains, all the children go to the building making any teaching impossible in such a crowded space.. They have a half built building next door that needs a roof before the rains arrive. They need a contractor to saw up large roof timbers and some more zinc sheet. PLEASE USE THE LINK ON THE MAIN PAGE TO DONATE TO STREET CHILD AND MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. I am sure that a couple of hundred pounds will be enough to open a new school building for this and the surrounding villages.

My guess about the air lock in the cooling system was correct. I had filled the header talk but not the radiator. This probably meant the water pump was dry and not circulating water. I topped up using the radiator this time (did you spot this mistake Pete?) And the problem was cured. There was still water in the instrument cluster but it still worked although a little dim.

After eating some breakfast provided by James, I said my goodbyes and was on my way.

The roads out were just as good as before the crossing. Very challenging off roading through jungle tracks and small villages. On the way I came across an Ebola treatment centre and stopped to look around. The people there explained the area was lucky and only had 3 cases in the whole region so the centre was unused. They plan to keep it until July and then close it if not needed. It was quite emotional for me walking around. Just think of the human suffering endured in these places.

After several hours I reached the Street Child compound in Makeni. Rashida has been looking after this afternoon. She took me to a bank to get some local currency, another huge wedge of money worth less than £50. And then to a local bar and restaurant for food and drink. The restaurant is owned by Street Child with the money going back into the organisation. I definitely chose the right charity to support. Real people doing real work that makes a huge difference to the lives of 1000s of children.
They have provided me with a room in their compound and I plan to stay several days finding out more about their work.

One reply on “Day 62: Arrival at Street Child”

Is there any way you can ensure street child give the extra donations to this school project? I fear 3 weeks will not be enough time for this year to get it finished, hope the rainy season starting will not add to your difficulties travelling

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