Ghana Sierra Leone

Day 42: Sierra Leone Visa

I received an email from Street Child today with a letter of introduction for my visa application. Due to power; cuts so nobody able to print it for me, I took a chance and went to the consul with it on a memory stick. Fortunately they agreed to print it for me. I should be able to collect my passport thursday or Friday.


This afternoon i went for a ride to see some parts of Accra I have not been to yet. I started by heading West on the motorway, then South to the coast, I then followed the coast back into the centre of town to the East side then back took my hotel. The East coast side of town is really a jungle of shacks and sheds and seems much poorer than the West side.

Dinner tonight was bought from one of the many roadside stalls where people cook on charcoal fires. You choose what you want, and how much, and it is bagged ready to take home. Everything is priced and bought in small quantities. For example yams (much like our potatoes) are fried like chips and priced at 20 pesos per piece. I had 1 cedi worth (5 pieces). I also had some spicey sauce and 4 pieces of deep fried fish (again proceed per piece) so yes. I did have a fish and chip super. . African style.

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