
Day 35: Markets and Media

We went to the local market this morning to get some cord so I can do woggles with the local Scouts tomorrow. The transport system is similar to that used throughout West Africa where you flag down a minibus or taxi and share it with others going in the same general direction as you. The vehicles are a little better and a little newer that’s is the main difference.

This afternoon we went to the offices of the National newspaper for an interview. Apparently the interview I did for National TV has been aired as well. I hope the media coverage will benefit Scouting here. Back in ghe UK West Wales Online have printed an update about my trip so far.
West Wales Online

The Ghanan Scouts here have been trying to get my customs deposit transferred from the border post I entered, to the Togo border. I have decided to use that to determine whether I move forward on to Nigeria and Cape Town or use that as an excuse to turn back from here and make my way back to the UK following the South Coast route to visit Sierra Leone and Liberia. Distance wise, it is similar as I am at the half way point. But time wise it is a shorter and easier route home. Plus I will save a lot of money not having to ship myself and the bike home from Cape Town. I keep telling myself it is the journey not the destination.

So currently I am waiting to hear from Ghana customs. I can say that I really do not mind what the decision is. I am happy with both directions of travel. I can also say that if the decision is I must return to the point of entry to Ghana, it will not have been through lack of effort by the Ghana Scouts who have been magnificent.

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