Borders Burkina Faso Mali

Day 30: Bukina Faso Visa

I picked up my passport with a Burkina Faso visa in it today. There was a mild panic from the guy behind the counter when he could not find my passport. The lady who received it yesterday had put it between the pages of a book.


So I am now good to go tomorrow morning.  I plan to cross the border tomorrow, stay in a hotel overnight and then cross into Ghana the next day.

To be honest I have not enjoyed Mali, it has been unbearably hot (45┬░C) from 12-3pm each day and the streets of Bamako are crowded with mopeds. All the roadside stalls sell exactly the same goods and anyone that has spoken to me generally had their hand out for money.
My time here has been tainted by having digestion problems.  (The shits for my less refined friends) but even so there is little to do or see in Bomako.

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