We never left Sines and are here for Christmas 🎄 ❤️.

Overnight one of the mooring lines broke which put a lot more strain on the remaining lines and the stern fairleads. This ripped the stern gunwale off (wood deck surround) 😔. That together with a change in the forecast meant following mother natures suggestion to stay.
I have decided not to fix the gunwale just yet. Its not structural, it needs a carpenter to fix properly and renovating the gunwale is on the project list anyway. It will go on the list for the next haul out. I have had the boat moved to a more sheltered spot in the marina.
So here I am on Christmas eve, in shorts and T shirt sat in the cockpit with a glass of wine in the sunshine. Life is good 🙂. I have a turkey leg 🍗 for dinner tomorrow and plan a lot of video calls to friends and family tomorrow 😊. I want to get moving after boxing day, the forecast is looking good for that. I need to be in Gibraltar in the first week of January to pick up a guest at Gibraltar Airport.. more on that in a future blog 🤫.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Happy Christmas to you too and fair winds for Gibraltar envy you the sunshine cloudy and dull here so enjoy🙏🏻🫶
Merry Christmas John