Merry Christmas

We never left Sines and are here for Christmas 🎄 ❤️. Overnight one of the mooring lines broke which put a lot more strain on the remaining lines and the stern fairleads. This ripped the stern gunwale off (wood deck surround) 😔. That together with a change in the forecast meant following mother natures suggestion […]

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We have been in Sines a few days and getting ready to move tomorrow down to the Algarve. Its a bit of a milestone because we change from travelling South to travelling East, hopefully away from the big Atlantic swell from the North West that has plagued us for so long. Sines is a pretty

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A Coruña

We reached A Caruna last week and have been carrying out various repairs, sightseeing, resting etc. We need to stay a few more days but the weather is not looking kind to continue around the corner to head south to Portugal and Gibralter. on the way here we anchored and explored Ferrol.

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