Since returning to New Quay I have spent as much time ashore as on the boat. I have spent a lot of time at Ffions house and their field where Ffion keeps her horses. I have been helping her dad by moving tons of ballast, dismantling a shed, moving swings etc.

I have done some smaller jobs on the boat such as installing a rain collection and storage system including a pump and cockpit tap. It uses an old original tank at the back of the boat that I can also fill at marinas. I will use this water for washing and deck showers. Ffions dad gave me a gas cylinder so I have a more plentiful supply for cooking. Previously I only had two small cylinders in the cockpit which were not enough for liveaboard.

There was some excitement in New Quay last week when somebody got stuck on rocks at target rock on the headland in New Quay. The Coastguard helicopter was called out to airlift him and his dog back to safety.