I have done some miles since my last blog post, I am now in Milford Haven in the lovely Dale anchorage.
Milford Haven at Dusk Padstow
I have struggled at times with low and intermittent wind speeds but its all part of learning about getting the best from the boat. I have not been ashore now for a week and I still have plenty of supplies, water, fuel and gas and have not got low on electricity at any time. With my current usage, which has not been rationing, I could easily survive another week without resupply, if I rationed, I could probably stay offshore for at least 3-4 weeks. On long passages when I would stock up more, I would have no problems with a month or more at sea.
I was escorted by dolphins for just under 3 hours while arriving at Milford Haven. From a distance of 100 meters or more you could see them racing in to join others bow surfing the boat. As they got bored and moved on, others would move in. I must have seen over a hundred different dolphins yesterday. What a welcome back to Wales.
I am having a rest day then it is one, maybe two days more to get to New Quay, my former physical home but I think my spiritual home.
Making good progress